29 March 2016

decision tree

  1. what is decision tree

    1. a number of possible decision paths

    2. outcome for each path

  2. entropy

    1. define

       H(S)= − p1 log2 p1 − ... − pn log2 pn
       # standard conversion
       # 0 log 0 = 0
    2. roll all this into a function

       def entropy(class_probabilities):
           """given a list of class probabilities
           compute the entropy"""
           return sum(-p * math.log(p, 2)
                      for p in class_probabilities
                      if p)  # ignore zero probabilities
       def class_probabilities(labels):
           total_count = len(labels)
           return [count / total_count
                   for count in Counter(labels).values()]
       def data_entropy(labeled_data):
           labels = [label for _, label in labeled_data]
           probabilities = class_probabilities(labels)
           return entropy(probabilities)
  3. the entropy of a partition

    1. define

       H = q1H(S1) + ... + qmH(Sm)
    2. implement

       def partition_entropy(subsets):
           """find the entropy from this partition of data into subsets
           subsets is a list of lists of labeled data"""
           total_count = sum(len(subset) for subset in subsets)
           return sum(data_entropy(subset) * len(subset) / total_count
                      for subset in subsets)
  4. creating a decision tree

    1. data

       inputs = [
           ({'level':'Senior', 'lang':'Java', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'no'}, False),
           ({'level':'Senior', 'lang':'Java', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'yes'}, False),
           ({'level':'Mid', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Junior', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Junior', 'lang':'R', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Junior', 'lang':'R', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'yes'}, False),
           ({'level':'Mid', 'lang':'R', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'yes'}, True),
           ({'level':'Senior', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'no'}, False),
           ({'level':'Senior', 'lang':'R', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Junior', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Senior', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'yes'}, True),
           ({'level':'Mid', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'yes'}, True),
           ({'level':'Mid', 'lang':'Java', 'tweets':'yes', 'phd':'no'}, True),
           ({'level':'Junior', 'lang':'Python', 'tweets':'no', 'phd':'yes'}, False)
    2. tree

       # decision nodes => ask question and direct differently depending on the answer
       # leaf nodes     => give a prediction
       # we will build it using the relatively simple id3 algorithm
       # 1. if the data all have the same label
       #    then create a leaf node that predicts that label and then stop
       # 2. if the list of attributes is empty (i.e. there are no more possible question to ask)
       #    then create a leaf node that predicts the most common label and then stop
       # 3. otherwise try partitioning the data by each of the attributes
       # 4. choose the partition with the lowest partition entropy
       # 5. add a decision node based on the chosen attribute
       # 6. recur on each partitioned subset using the remaining attributes
    3. implement

       def partition_by(inputs, attribute):
           """each input is a pair (attribute_dict, label)
           returns a dict: attribute_value -> inputs"""
           groups = defaultdict(list)
           for input in inputs:
               key = input[0][attribute]
           return groups
       def partition_entropy_by(inputs, attribute):
           """computes the entropy corresponding to the given partition"""
           partitions = partition_by(inputs, attribute)
           return partition_entropy(partitions.values())
       # find the minimum-entropy partition for whole data set
       for key in ['level', 'lang', 'tweets', 'phd']:
           print key, partition_entropy_by(inputs, key)
       # level  0.693536138896
       # lang   0.860131712855
       # tweets 0.788450457308
       # phd    0.892158928262
       # the lowest entropy comes from splitting on `level`
       # make a subtree for each possible level value
       senior_inputs = [(input, label)
                         for input, label in inputs if input['level'] == 'Senior']
       for key in ['lang', 'tweets', 'phd']:
           print key, partition_entropy_by(senior_inputs, key)
       # lang 0.4
       # tweets 0.0
       # phd 0.950977500433
       # next split should be on `tweets`
  5. putting it all together

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