28 March 2016

logistic regression

  1. the problem

    1. categorical variables

       # 0 no premium account
       # 1 prenium account
    2. data [experience, salary, paid_account]

       # each element is [1, experience, salary]
       x = [[1] + row[:2] for row in data]
       # each element is paid_account
       y = [row[2] for row in data]
    3. use linear regression and find the best model

       paid account = β0 + β1experience + β2salary + ε
       rescaled_x = rescale(x)
       # [0.26, 0.43, -0.43]
       beta = estimate_beta(rescaled_x, y)
       predictions = [predict(x_i, beta) for x_i in rescaled_x]
       plt.scatter(predictions, y)
  2. logistic function

    1. code

       def logistic(x):
           return 1.0 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
       # input gets larger and positive it gets closer and closer to 1
       # input gets larger and negative it gets closer and closer to 0
       def logistic_prime(x):
           return logistic(x) * (1 - logistic(x))
       # use this fit a model
       yi = f(xiβ) + εi
       # where f is a logistic function
    2. fit model

       # linear regression => minimizing the sum of squared errors
       # ended up with the β that maximized the likelihood of the data
       # logistic regression => use gradient descent to maximize the likelihood directly
       # need to calculate the likelihood function and its gradient
    3. formular

       p(yi|xi,β) = f(xiβ)^yi(1-f(xiβ))^(1-yi)
       # since if yi is 0 this equals
       # if yi is 1 it equals
       # it turns out that it's actually simpler
       # to maximize the `log likelihood`
       logL(β|xi,yi) = yi logf(xiβ) + (1-yi)log(1-f(xiβ))
    4. log is strictly increasing function

       # any beta that maximizes the log likelihood
       # also maximizes the likelihood and vice versa
       def logistic_log_likelihood_i(x_i, y_i, beta):
           if y_i == 1:
               return math.log(logistic(dot(x_i, beta)))
               return math.log(1 - logistic(dot(x_i, beta)))
    5. if assume different data points are independent from one another

       # the overall likelihood is just the product of the individual likelihood
       # means the overall log likelihood is the sum of the individual log likelihood
       def logistic_log_likelihood(x, y, beta):
           return sum(logistic_log_likelihood_i(x_i, y_i, best)
                      for x_i, y_i in zip(x, y))
    6. a little bit of calculus gives us the gradient

       def logistic_log_partial_ij(x_i, y_i, beta, j):
           """here i is the index of the data point,
           j the index of the derivative"""
           return (y_i - logistic(dot(x_i, beta))) * x_i[j]
       def logistic_log_gradient_i(x_i, y_i, beta):
           """the gradient of the log likelihood
           corresponding to the ith data point"""
           return [logistic_log_partial_ij(x_i, y_i, beta, j)
                   for j, _ in enumerate(beta)]
       def logistic_log_gradient(x, y, beta):
           return reduce(vector_add,
                         [logistic_log_gradient_i(x_i, y_i, beta)
                         for x_i, y_i in zip(x, y)])
  3. applying the model

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