23 March 2016

the model

  1. is one of the simplest predictive models

    1. some notion of distance

    2. an assumption that points that are close to one another are similar

  2. e.g.

    1. count votes

       def raw_majority_vote(labels):
           votes = Counter(labels)
           winner, _ votes.most_common(1)[0]
           return winner
    2. options

       # 1. pick one of the winner at random
       # 2. weight the votes by distance and pick the weight winner
       # 3. reduce `k` until find a unique winner
       def majority_vote(labels):
           """assume that labels are ordered from nearest to farthest"""
           vote_counts = Counter(labels)
           winner, winner_count = vote_counts.most_common(1)[0]
           num_winners = len([count
                              for count in vote_counts.values()
                              if count == winner_count])
           if 1 == num_winners:
               return winner
               # try again without the farthest
               return majority_vote(labels[:-1])
    3. create a classifier

       def knn_classify(k, label_points, new_point):
           """each labeld points should be a pair(point, label)"""
           # order the labeld points from nearest to farthest
           by_distance = sorted(label_points,
                                key=lambda (point, _): distance(point, new_point))
           # find the labels for the k closest
           k_nearest_labels = [label for _, label in by_distance[:k]]
           # and let them vote
           return majority_vote(k_nearest_labels)
  3. example favorite languages

    1. data

       # each entry is ([longitude, latitude], favorite_language)
       cities = [([-122.3, 47.53], 'python'),
                 ([-96.85, 32.85], 'java'),
                 ([-89.33, 43.13], 'r'),
                 # and so on
    2. plotting

       # key is language, value is pair (longitudes, latitudes)
       plots = {'java': ([], []), 'python': ([], []), 'r', ([], [])}
       # each language have a different marker and color
       markers = {'java': 'o', 'python': 's', 'r': '^'}
       colors = {'java': 'r', 'python': 'b', 'r': 'g'}
       for (lng, lat), lang in cities:
       # create a scatter series for each language
       for lang, (x, y) in plots.iteritems():
           plt.scatter(x, y, color=colors[lang], marker=markers[lang], label=lang, zorder=0)
       # pretend have a function do this job
       plt.axis([-130, -60, 20, 55])
       plt.title('favorite programming languages')
    3. predict each city

       # try several different values for k
       for k in [1, 3, 5, 7]:
           num_correct = 0
           for city in cities:
               loc, actual_lang = city
               other_cities = [other_city
                               for other_city in cities
                               if other_city != city]
               predicted_lang = knn_classify(k, other_cities, location)
               if predicted_lang == actual_lang:
                   num_correct += 1
           print k, 'neighbor[s]:', num_correct, 'correct out of', len(cities)
       # 1 neighbor[s]: 40 correct out of 75
       # 3 neighbor[s]: 44 correct out of 75
       # 5 neighbor[s]: 41 correct out of 75
       # 7 neighbor[s]: 35 correct out of 75

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