22 March 2016

machine learning

  1. modeling

         mathematical (or probabilistic) relationship
         that exists between different variables
  2. what is machine learning

         use existing data to `develop models`
         that can use to `predict` various outcomes for new data
         predicting whether an email message is spam or not
         predicting whether a credit card transaction is fraudulent
         predicting which advertisement a shopper is most likely to click on
         predicting which football team is going to win the super bowl
  3. overfitting and underfitting

    1. simplest way is split data set

       def split_data(data, prob):
           """split data into fractions [prob, 1 - prob]"""
           result = [], []
           for row in data:
               result[0 if random.random() < prob else 1].append(row)
           return result
    2. training data or test data

       def train_test_split(x, y, test_pct):
           data = zip(x, y)
           train, test = split_data(data, 1 - test_pct)
           x_train, y_train = zip(*train)
           x_test, y_test = zip(*test)
           return x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test
       # do something like
       model = SomeKindOfModel()
       x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(xs, ys, 0.33)
       performace = model.test(x_test, y_test)


  1. every data lies in one of four categories

    1. true positive

       this message is spam, and correctly predicted spam
    2. false positive

       type 1 error: not spam but predicted spam
    3. false negative

       type 2 error: is spam but predicted not spam
    4. true negative

       is not spam correctly predicted not spam
  2. confusion matrix

         |                  | is spam       | is not spam    |
         | predict spam     | true positive | false positive |
         | predict not spam | true positive | false positive |
  3. accuracy is defined as the fraction of correct prediction

         def accuracy(tp, fp, fn, tn):
             correct = tp + tn
             total = tp + fp + fn + tn
             return correct / total
         print accuracy(70, 4940, 13930, 981070)  # 0.98114
    1. it’s common to look at the combination of precision and recall

       def precision(tp, fp, fn, tn):
           return tp / (tp + fp)
       print precision(70, 4940, 13930, 981070)  # 0.014
       def recall(tp, fp, fn, tn):
           return tp / (tp + fn)
       print recall(70, 4940, 13930, 981070)  # 0.005
       0.014 and 0.005 are both terrible numbers
       reflecting that is a terrible model
    2. precision and recall are combined into the f1 score

       def f1_score(tp, fp, fn, tn):
           p = precision(tp, fp, fn, tn)
           r = recall(tp, tp, fn, tn)
           return 2 * p * r / (p + r)
       # this is the `harmonic mean` of precision and recall
       # and necessarily lies between them

the bias-variance trade-off

  1. another way of thinking about overfitting is as a trade-off between bias and variance

    1. high bias and low variance typically correspond to underfitting

    2. low bias and high variance typically correspond to overfitting

    3. if your model has high bias

       which means it performs poorly even on your training data
       then one thing to try is adding more features
    4. if your model has high variance

       you can similarly remove features
       but another solution is to obtain more data

feature extraction and selection

  1. features are whatever inputs we provide to our model

    1. when data doesn’t have enough features, model is likely to underfit

    2. when data has too many features, it’s easy to overfit

  2. e.g.

         if you want to predict someone's salay
         based on her `years of experience`
         then `years of experience` if the only feature you have
  3. extract features from our data that fall into one of these three categories

    1. naive bayes classifier

       suited to yes-or-no features
    2. regression models

       require numeric features
    3. decision trees

       deal with numeric or categorical data

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