15 February 2016


  1. random_walk

    1. original

       import collections
       import datetime
       import time
       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.plotting import cursession, figure, show, output_notebook
       # To run these examples you must execute the command
       # python bokeh-server in the top-level Bokeh source directory first.
       TS_MULT_us = 1e6
       UNIX_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0) #offset-naive datetime
       def int2dt(ts, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert timestamp (integer) to datetime"""
       def td2int(td, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert timedelta to integer"""
       def dt2int(dt, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert datetime to integer"""
           delta = dt - UNIX_EPOCH
       def int_from_last_sample(dt, td):
           return(dt2int(dt) - dt2int(dt) % td2int(td))
       TS_MULT = 1e3
       td_delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.5)
       delay_s = td_delay.total_seconds()
       delay_int = td2int(td_delay, TS_MULT)
       value = 1000 # initial value
       N = 100 # number of elements into circular buffer
       buff = collections.deque([value]*N, maxlen=N)
       t_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
       ts_now = dt2int(t_now, TS_MULT)
       t = collections.deque(np.arange(ts_now-N*delay_int, ts_now, delay_int), maxlen=N)
       p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime")
       p.line(list(t), list(buff), color="#0000FF", name="line_example")
       renderer = p.select(dict(name="line_example"))[0]
       ds = renderer.data_source
       while True:
           ts_now = dt2int(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1e3)
           ds.data['x'] = list(t)
           value += np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
           ds.data['y'] = list(buff)
    2. convert to bokeh 0.11

       #! coding: utf-8
       import collections
       import datetime
       import time
       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.io import curdoc
       from bokeh.client import push_session
       from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
       # *To run these examples you must execute the command
       # `bokeh serve` in the top-level Bokeh source directory first.*
       TS_MULT_us = 1e6
       # offset-naive datetime
       UNIX_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)
       def int2dt(ts, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert timestamp (integer) to datetime"""
       def td2int(td, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert timedelta to integer"""
       def dt2int(dt, ts_mult=TS_MULT_us):
           """Convert datetime to integer"""
           delta = dt - UNIX_EPOCH
       def int_from_last_sample(dt, td):
           return(dt2int(dt) - dt2int(dt) % td2int(td))
       TS_MULT = 1e3
       td_delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.5)
       delay_s = td_delay.total_seconds()
       delay_int = td2int(td_delay, TS_MULT)
       # initial value
       value = 1000
       # number of elements into circular buffer
       N = 100
       buff = collections.deque([value]*N, maxlen=N)
       t_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
       ts_now = dt2int(t_now, TS_MULT)
       t = collections.deque(np.arange(ts_now-N*delay_int, ts_now, delay_int), maxlen=N)
       p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime")
       p.line(list(t), list(buff), color="#0000FF", name="line_example")
       renderer = p.select(dict(name="line_example"))[0]
       ds = renderer.data_source
       def update():
           ts_now = dt2int(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 1e3)
           ds.data['x'] = list(t)
           global value
           value += np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
           ds.data['y'] = list(buff)
       # run every 50 milliseconds
       curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, delay_s * 100)
       session = push_session(curdoc())
       # open the doc in browser
       # run forever


  1. bokeh.io.curdoc

  2. description

    1. return the document for the current default state

add_periodic_callback(callback, period_milliseconds)

  1. bokeh.document.Document.add_periodic_callback

  2. description

    1. add a callback to be invoked on a session periodic
  3. parameters

    1. callback callable the callback function to execute

    2. period_milliseconds int the number of milliseconds that should be between each callback execution

       periodic callbacks only work within the context of a bokeh server session
       this function will no effect when bokeh outputs to standalone html or jupyter notebook cells

push_session(document, session_id=None, url=’default’, app_path=’/’, io_loop=None)

  1. bokeh.client.session.push_session

  2. description

    1. create a session by pushing the given document to the server

    2. overwriting any existing server side document

    3. session.document in the returned session will be your supplied document

       while the connection to the server if open
       changes make on server side will be applied to this document
       changes made on client side will be synced to the server
  3. parameters

    1. document bokeh.document.Document the document to be pushed and set as session.document

    2. session_id str, optional the name of the session, None to autogenerate a random one (default: None)

    3. url str, optional the base server url to connect to (default: None)

    4. app_path str, optional relative path to the app on the server (default: ‘/’)

    5. io_loop tornado.ioloop.IOLoop, optional the IOLoop to used for the websocket

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