on mac
brew install graphviz
subgraphs and clusters
roles in graphviz
# first role A -> {B C} # is equivalent to A -> B A -> C # 2 second role subgraph { rank = same; A; B; C; }
lexical and semantic notes
# a graph must be `digraph` or `graph` strict graph { a -- b a -- b b -- a [color=blue] }
output formats
node edge and graph attributes
all graphviz attrs are specified by
pairsabc [fillcolor=red] abc -> def [arrowhead=diamond] # `color` digraph G { a -> b [dir=both color="red:blue"] c -> d [dir=none color="green:red;0.25:blue"] } # `constraint` digraph G { a -> c; a -> b; b -> c [constraint=false] }
attribute type description
arrowType normal inv dot invdot odot invodot none tee empty invempty diamond odiamond ediamond crow box obox open halfopen vee circle # dirType forward back both none # basic style settings for nodes solid * dashed dotted bold rounded diagonals filled striped wedged # basic style settings for edges solid * dashed dotted bold # basic style settings for clusters solid dashed dotted bold rounded filled striped
node shapes
box polygon ellipse oval circle point egg triangle ... digraph G { { node [margin=0 fontcolor=blue fontsize=32 width=0.5 shape=circle style=filled] b [fillcolor=yellow fixedsize=true label="a very long label"] d [fixedsize=shape label="an even longer label"] } a -> {c d} b -> {c d} }