06 April 2016

recommender systems

  1. e.g.

         netflix => movie    => to watch
         amazon  => products => to buy
         twitter => users    => to follow
  2. data set users_interests

         users_interests = [
             ["Hadoop", "Big Data", "HBase", "Java", "Spark", "Storm", "Cassandra"],
             ["NoSQL", "MongoDB", "Cassandra", "HBase", "Postgres"],
             ["Python", "scikit-learn", "scipy", "numpy", "statsmodels", "pandas"],
             ["R", "Python", "statistics", "regression", "probability"],
             ["machine learning", "regression", "decision trees", "libsvm"],
             ["Python", "R", "Java", "C++", "Haskell", "programming languages"],
             ["statistics", "probability", "mathematics", "theory"],
             ["machine learning", "scikit-learn", "Mahout", "neural networks"],
             ["neural networks", "deep learning", "Big Data", "artificial intelligence"],
             ["Hadoop", "Java", "MapReduce", "Big Data"],
             ["statistics", "R", "statsmodels"],
             ["C++", "deep learning", "artificial intelligence", "probability"],
             ["pandas", "R", "Python"],
             ["databases", "HBase", "Postgres", "MySQL", "MongoDB"],
             ["libsvm", "regression", "support vector machines"]
  3. recommending what’s popular

    1. easy approach is to simply recommend what’s popular

       popular_interests = Counter(interest
                                   for user_interests in users_interests
                                   for interest in user_interests).most_common()
       [('Python', 4),
        ('R', 4),
        ('Java', 3),
        ('regression', 3),
        ('statistics', 3),
        ('probability', 3),
        # ...
        # just suggest to a user
        # the most popular interests
        # that he's not already interested in
        def most_popular_new_interests(user_interests, max_results=5):
           suggestion = [(interest, frequency)
                          for interest, frequency in popular_interests
                          if interest not in user_interests]
           return suggestion[:max_results]
       # if user 1 with interests
       ["NoSQL", "MongoDB", "Cassandra", "HBase", "Postgres"]
       # recommend
       most_popular_new_interests(users_interests[1], 5)
       # [('Python', 4), ('R', 4), ('Java', 3), ('regression', 3), ('statistics', 3)]
  4. user-based collaborative filtering

    1. look for users who are somewhow similar to him

       # need a way to measure how similar two users are
       # cosine similarity
       def consine_similarity(v, w):
           return dot(v, w) / math.sqrt(dot(v, v) * dot(w, w))
       # it measures the `angle` between `v` and `w`
       # if `v` and `w` point in the same direction
       #   then the numerator and denominator are equal
       #   and their consine similarity equals 1
                       very similar
       # if `v` and `w` point in opposite direction
       #   their consine similarity equals -1
       # if `v` or `w` is 0
       #   their consine similarity equals 0
                       not very similar
    2. steps

       # 1. unique_interests
       unique_interests = sorted(list({interest
                                       for user_interests in users_interests
                                       for interest in user_interests}))
       # list
       ['Big Data',
        # ...
       # 2. produce an `interest` vector of 0s and 1s for each user
       def make_user_interest_vector(user_interests):
           """given a list of interests
           produce a vector whose ith element is 1
           if unique_interests[i] is in the list, 0 otherwise"""
           return [1 if interest in user_interests else 0
                   for interest in unique_interests]
       # 3. create a matrix
       user_interest_matrix = map(make_user_interest_vector, users_interests)
       # user_interest_matrix[i][j] == 1 if i specified interest j
       #                               0 otherwise
       # 4. compute pairwise similarities
       user_similarities = [[consine_similarity(interest_vector_i, interest_vector_j)
                             for interest_vector_j in user_interest_matrix]
                            for interest_vector_i in user_interest_matrix]
       # user_similarities[0][0] == 0.57
       #    share interests in `hadoop, java, big data`
       # user_similarities[0][8] == 0.19
       #    share only one interest `big data`
       # 5. user_similarities[i] is the vector of i's similarities to every other user
       # finds the most similar users to a given user
       #    not to include the user herself
       #    nor any users with zero similarity
       #    sort the results from most similar to least similar
       def most_similar_users_to(user_id):
           pairs = [(other_user_id, similarity)
                    for other_user_id, similarity in enumerate(user_similarities[user_id])
                    if user_id != other_user_id and similarity > 0]
           return sorted(pairs,
                         key=lambda (_, similarity): similarity,
       [(9, 0.5669467095138409),
        (1, 0.3380617018914066),
        (8, 0.1889822365046136),
        (13, 0.1690308509457033),
        (5, 0.1543033499620919)]
       # 6. suggest new interests to a user
       def user_based_suggestions(user_id, include_current_interests=False):
           suggestions = defaultdict(float)
           for other_user_id, similarity in most_similar_users_to(user_id):
               for interest in users_interests[other_user_id]:
                   suggestion[interest] += similarity
           # convert them to a sorted list
           suggestions = sorted(suggestions.items(),
                                 key=lambda (_, weight): weight,
           # and (maybe) exclude already-interests
           if include_current_interests:
               return suggestions
               return [(suggestion, weight)
                       for suggestion, weight in suggestions
                       if suggestion not in users_interests[user_id]]
       # user_based_suggestion(0)
       [('MapReduce', 0.5669467095138409),
        ('MongoDB', 0.50709255283711),
        ('Postgres', 0.50709255283711),
        ('NoSQL', 0.3380617018914066),
        ('neural networks', 0.1889822365046136),
        ('deep learning', 0.1889822365046136),
        ('artificial intelligence', 0.1889822365046136),
  5. item-based collaborative filtering

    1. compute similarities between interests directly

       # generate suggestions for each user
       # by aggregating interests
       # that are similar to her current interests
    2. steps

       # 1. transpose user-interest matrix
       #    rows => interests
       #    cols => users
       interest_user_matrix = [[user_interest_vector[j]
                                for user_interest_vector in user_interest_matrix]
                               for j, _ in enumerate(unique_interests)]
       # 1. e.g.
       unique_interests[0] => bigdata
       [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        0 user                  8, 9 user
       # 2. use cosine similarity
       #    similarity 1 <= if precisely the same users are interested in two topics
       #    similarity 0 <= if no two users are interested in both topics
       interest_similarity = [[consine_similarity(user_vector_i, user_vector_j)
                               for user_vector_j in interest_user_matrix]
                              for user_vector_i in interest_user_matrix]
       # 3. e.g. find interests most similar to bigdata (interest 0)
       def most_similar_interest_to(interest_id):
           similarities = interest_similarities[interest_id]
           pairs = [(unique_interests[other_interest_id], similarity)
                    for other_interest_id, similarity in enumerate(similarities)
                    if interest_id != other_interest_id and similarity > 0]
           return sorted(pairs,
                         key=lambda (_, similarity): similarity,
       [('Hadoop', 0.8164965809277261),
        ('Java', 0.6666666666666666),
        ('MapReduce', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('Spark', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('Storm', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('Cassandra', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('artificial intelligence', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('deep learning', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('neural networks', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('HBase', 0.3333333333333333)]
       # 4. create recommendations for a user
       #    by summing up the similarities of the interests
       #    similar to his
       def item_based_suggestions(user_id, include_current_interest=False):
           # add up the similar interests
           suggestions = defaultdict(float)
           user_interest_vector = user_interest_matirx[user_id]
           for interest_id, is_interested in enumerate(user_interest_vector):
               if is_interested:
                   similar_interests = most_similar_interests_to(interest_id)
                   for interest, similarity in similar_interest:
                       suggestions[interest] += similarity
           # sort them by weight
           suggestions = sorted(suggestions.items(),
                                 key=lambda (_, similarity): similarity,
           if include_current_interests:
               return suggestions
               return [(suggestion, weight)
                       for suggestion, weight in suggestions
                       if suggestion not in users_interests[user_id]]
       # 5. e.g. user 0
       [('MapReduce', 1.861807319565799),
        ('Postgres', 1.3164965809277263),
        ('MongoDB', 1.3164965809277263),
        ('NoSQL', 1.2844570503761732),
        ('programming languages', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('MySQL', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('Haskell', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('databases', 0.5773502691896258),
        ('neural networks', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('deep learning', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('C++', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('artificial intelligence', 0.4082482904638631),
        ('Python', 0.2886751345948129),
        ('R', 0.2886751345948129)]

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