31 March 2016


  1. the model

    1. one of the simplest clustering methods is k-means

       # the number of clusters k is chosen in advance
       # 1. start with a set of k-means, which are points in d-dimensional space
       # 2. assign each point to the mean to which it is closest
       # 3. if no point's assignment has changed, stop and keep the clusters
       # 4. if some point's assignment has changed, recompute the means and return to step 2
    2. code

       # use `vector_mean` in ch04
       class KMeans:
           """performs k-means clustering"""
           def __init__(self, k):
               self.k = k
               self.means = None
           def classify(self, input):
               """return the index of the cluster closest to the input"""
               return min(range(self.k),
                          key=lambda i: squared_distance(input, self.means[i]))
           def train(self, inputs):
               """choose k random points as the intial means"""
               self.means = random.sample(inputs, self.k)
               assignments = None
               while True:
                   # find new assignments
                   new_assignments = map(self.classify, inputs)
                   # if no assignments have changed, we're done
                   if assignments == new_assignments:
                   # otherwise keep the new assignments
                   assignments = new_assignments
                   # compute new means based on the new assignments
                   for i in range(self.k):
                       # find all the points assigned to cluster i
                       i_points = [p for p, a in zip(inputs, assignments) if a == i]
                       # make sure i_points is not empty avoid divide by 0
                       if i_points:
                           self.means[i] = vector_mean(i_points)
    3. e.g. meetups

       # get the same result
       clusterer = KMeans(3)
       print clusterer.means
       # two meetups
       clusterer = KMeans(2)
  2. choosing k

         def squared_clustering_errors(inputs, k):
             """find the total squared error from k-means clustering the inputs"""
             clusterer = KMeans(k)
             means = clusterer.means
             assignments = map(clusterer.classify, inputs)
             return sum(squared_distance(input, means[cluster])
                        for input, cluster in zip(inputs, assignments))
         # plot from 1 up to len(inputs) clusters
         ks = range(1, len(inputs) + 1)
         errors = [squared_clustering_errors(inputs, k) for k in ks]
         plt.plot(ks, errors)
         plt.ylabel('total squared error')
         plt.title('total error vs. # of clusters')
    1. e.g. clustering colors

       # create a five-color version of an image
       # 1. choose five color
       # 2. assigning one of those colors to each pixel
       # k-means clustering
       # partition the pixels into five clusters in rgb space
       # recolor the pixels in each cluster to the mean color
       # 1. read image into python
       file_png = r'C:\images\image.png'
       import matplotlib.image as mping
       # behind the scenes `img` is a numpy array
       img = mping.imread(file_png)
       # 2. flatten list of all the pixels
       # top_row = img[0]
       # top_left_pixel = top_row[0]
       # red, green, blue = top_left_pixel
       pixels = [pixel for row in img for pixel in row]
       # 3. feed them to our cluster
       clusterer = KMeans(5)
       # 4. construct a new image with the same format
       def recolor(pixel):
           cluster = clusterer.classify(pixel)
           return clusterer.means[cluster]
       new_img = [[recolor(pixel) for pixel in row]
                  for row in img]
       # 5. display it
  3. bottom-up hierarchical clustering

    1. grow clusters from the bottom up

       # steps
       # 1. make each input its own cluster of one
       # 2. as long as there are multiple clusters remaining
       #    find the two closest clusters and merge them
    2. representation of clusters

       # to make a 1-tuple need the trailing comma
       # otherwise python treats the parentheses as parentheses
       leaf1 = ([10, 20],)
       leaf2 = ([30, -15],)
    3. use these to grow merged clusters

       # which will represent as 2-tuple
       merged = (1, [leaf1, leaf2])
       def is_leaf(cluster):
           """a cluster is a leaf if it has length 1"""
           return 1 == len(cluster)
       def get_children(cluster):
           """returns the two children of this cluster if it's a merged cluster;
           raise an exception if this is a leaf cluster"""
           if is_leaf(cluster):
               raise TypeError("a leaf cluster has no children")
               return cluster[1]
       def get_values(cluster):
           """returns the value in this cluster (if it's a leaf cluster)
           or all the values in the leaf clusters below it (if it's not)"""
           if is_leaf(cluster):
               return cluster
               return [value
                       for child in get_children(cluster)
                       for value in get_values(child)]
    4. merge the closest clusters

       # need some notion of the distance between clusters
       def cluster_distance(cluster1, cluster2, distance_agg=min):
           """compute all the pairwise distances between cluster1 and cluster2
           and apply _distance_agg_ to the resulting list"""
           return distance_agg([distance(input1, input2)
                                for input1 in get_values(cluster1)
                                for input2 in get_values(cluster2)])
       def get_merge_order(cluster):
           # since leaf clusters were never merged
           # assign them infinity
           if is_leaf(cluster):
               return float('inf')
               # merge_order is first element of 2-tuple
               return cluster[0]
    5. clustering algorithm

       def bottom_up_cluster(inputs, distance_agg=min):
           # start with every input a leaf cluster / 1-tuple
           clusters = [(input, ) for input in inputs]
           # as long as we have more than one cluster left...
           while len(cluster) > 1:
               # find the two closest clusters
               c1, c2 = min([(cluster1, cluster2)
                              for i, cluster1 in enumerate(clusters)
                              for cluster2 in clusters[:i]],
                             key=lambda (x, y): cluster_distance(x, y, distance_agg))
               # remove them from the list of clusters
               clusters = [c for c in clusters if c != c1 and c!= c2]
               # merge them, using merge_order = # of the clusters left
               merged_cluster = (len(clusters), [c1, c2])
               # add their merge
           # when there's only one cluster left, return it
           return clusters[0]
    6. e.g.

       base_cluster = bottom_up_cluster(inputs)
    7. generate clusters

       def generate_clusters(base_cluster, num_clusters):
           # start with a list with just the base cluster
           cluster = [base_cluster]
           # as long as we don't have enough clusters yes...
           while len(clusters) < num_clusters:
               # choose the last-merged of our clusters
               next_cluster = min(clusters, key=get_merge_order)
               # remove it form the list
               clusters = [c for c in clusters if c!= next_cluster]
               # add its children to the list (i.e., unerge it)
           # onec we have enough clusters...
           return clusters
    8. three clusters

       three_clusters = [get_values(cluster)
                         for cluster in generate_clusters(base_cluster, 3)]
       # plot
       for i, cluster, marker, color in zip([1, 2, 3],
                                            ['D', 'o', '*'],
                                            ['r', 'g', 'b'])
           xs, ys = zip(*cluster)  # magic unzipping trick
           plt.scatter(xs, yx, color=color, marker=marker)
           # put a number at the mean of the cluster
           x, y = vector_mean(cluster)
           plt.plot(x, y, marker='$' + str(i) + '$', color='black')
       plt.title('user locations --- 3 bottom up clusters, min')
       plt.xlabel('blocks east of city center')
       plt.ylabel('blocks north of city center')
       # min => chain-like clusters
       # max => tight clusters
    9. efficient

       # relatively simple
       # shockingly inefficient
       # 1. recompute distance between each pair of inputs at every step
       #    => precompute the distances
       #       perform a lookup inside cluster_distance
       # 2. remember the cluster_distance from the previous step


  1. sklearn.cluster

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