multiple regression
hypothesize a linear model with more independent variables
minutes = α + β1friends + β2work hours + β3phd + ε # in ch11 introduce a dummy variable # 1 for users with phds 0 for users without
the model
# fit a model of the form yi = α + βxi + εi # each input xi is not a signle number # but rather a vector of k numbers # xi1,...xik # multiple regression model assumes that yi = α + β1xi1 + ... + βkxik + εi
in multiple regression the vector of parameters is ususlly called β
beta = [alpha, beta_1, ..., beta_k] # and x_i = [1, x_i1, ..., x_ik] # then our model is just def predict(x_i, beta): """assumes that the first element of each x_i is 1""" return dot(x_i, beta) # our independent variable x will be a list of vectors # each of which looks like this [1, # constant term 49, # number of friends 4, # work hours per day 0] # doesn't have phd
further assumptions of the least squares model
# e.g. in ch14 we built a model # predicted that each additonal friends # was associated with an extra 0.90 daily minutes on the site
# 1. people work more hours spend less time on site # 2. people with more friends tend to work more hours # "actual" model is minutes = α + β1friends + β2work hours + ε # work hours and friends are positively correlated minutes = α + β1friends + ε # we will underestimated β1
fitting the model
def error(x_i, y_i, beta): return y_i - predict(x_i, beta) def squared_error(x_i, y_i, beta): return error(x_i, y_i, beta) ** 2 # use calculus def squared_error_gradient(x_i, y_i, beta): """the gradient (with respect to beta) corresponding to the ith squared error term""" return [-2 * x_ij * error(x_i, y_i, beta) for x_ij in x_i]
find optimal beta using stochastic gradient descent
def estimate_beta(x, y): beta_initial = [random.random() for x_i in x[0]] return minimize_stochastic(squared_error, squared_error_gradient, x, y, beta_initial, 0.001) random.seed(0) # [30.63, 0.972, -1.868, 0.911] beta = estimate_beta(x, daily_minutes_good) # this means our model looks like minutes = 30.63 + 0.972 friends − 1.868 work hours + 0.911 phd
interpreting the model
goodness for fit
def multiple_r_squared(x, y, beta): sum_of_squared_errors = sum(error(x_i, y_i, beta) ** 2 for x_i, y_i in zip(x, y)) return 1.0 - sum_of_squared_errors / total_sum_of_squares(y) # keep in mind # adding new variables to a regression # will `necessarily` increase the r-squared
digression the bootstrap
# a sample of n data point # generated by some (unknow to us) distribution data = get_sample(num_points=n) # in ch5 function `median` # 1. if all the data are very close to 100 # => the actual median is close to 100 # 2. half the data is close to 0 and the other half is colse to 200 # => can't be nearly as certain about the median
def bootstrap_sample(data): """randomly sample len(data) element with replacement""" return [random.choice(data) for _ in data] def bootstrap_statistic(data, stats_fn, num_samples): """evaluates stats_fn on num_samples bootstrap samples from data""" return [stats_fn(bootstrap_sample(data)) for _ in range(num_samples)] # e.g. # 101 points all very close to 100 chose_to_100 = [99.5 + random.random() for _ in range(101)] # 101 point, 50 near 0, 50 near 200 far_from_100 = ([99.5 + random.random()] + [random.random() for _ in range(50)] + [200 + random.random() for _ in range(50)]) # median of each both close to 100 # however bootstrap_statistic(close_to_100, median, 100) bootstrap_statistic(far_from_100, median, 100)
standard error of regression coefficients