07 March 2017

question Find the similarity percent between two strings

  1. question

     similar("Apple","Appel") => 80%
     similar("Apple","Mango") =>  0%
  2. answer

     from difflib import SequenceMatcher
     def similar(a, b):
         return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
     >>> similar("Apple","Appel")
     >>> similar("Apple","Mango")
  3. reference Fuzzy string comparison in Python, confused with which library to use [closed]

    1. question

       import Levenshtein
       Levenshtein.ratio('hello world', 'hello')
       Result: 0.625
       import difflib
       difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, 'hello world', 'hello').ratio()
       Result: 0.625
    2. answer

       difflib.SequenceMatcher => Ratcliff/Obershelp algorithm
       Levenshtein             => Levenshtein algorithm
  4. FuzzyWuzzy: Fuzzy String Matching in Python

    1. string similarity

       from difflib import SequenceMatcher
       m = SequenceMatcher(None, 'new york mets', 'new york meats')
       m.ratio() => 0.9626...
       fuzz.ratio('new york mets', 'new york meats') => 96
    2. partial string similarity

       fuzz.ratio('yankees', 'new york yankees')       => 60
       fuzz.ratio('new york mets', 'new york yankees') => 75
       fuzz.ratio('yankees', 'new york yankees')       => 100
       fuzz.ratio('new york mets', 'new york yankees') => 69
    3. out of order

       fuzz.ratio('new york mets vs atlanta braves', 'atlanta braves vs new york mets')          => 45
       fuzz.partial_ratio('new york mets vs atlanta braves', 'atlanta braves vs new york mets') => 45
       # token sort
       'new york mets vs atlanta braves' --> 'atlanta braves mets new vs york'
       fuzz.token_sort_ratio('new york mets vs atlanta braves', 'atlanta braves vs new york mets') => 100
       # token set
       s1 = 'mariners vs angels'
       s2 = 'los angeles angels of anaheim at seattle mariners'
       # after sort
       t1 = 'angels mariners vs'
       t2 = 'anaheim angeles angels los mariners of seattle vs'
       fuzz.token_set_ratio('mariners vs angels', 'los angels of anaheim at seattle mariners') => 90
       fuzz.token_set_ratio('sirhan, sirhan', 'sirhan') => 100


  1. distance

    1. Hamming distance

    2. Levenshtein distance

    3. Damerau–Levenshtein distance

    4. Jaro–Winkler distance

  2. source code

    1. Levenshtein.c

    2. fuzzywuzzy

  3. doc

    1. difflib

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