inline backend
%matplotlib inline import matplotlib'ggplot')
use font
Microsoft YaHei
check my post 2015-04-27-python-change-matplotlib-font-on-macmatplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] matplotlib.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False import import pyodbc
connection string
driver and …
driver = '{SQL Server}' server = '' database = 'database' uid = 'user' pwd = 'pass'
connect and read
unicode and chinese
conn_string = 'DRIVER={};SERVER={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={};' \ .format(driver, server, database, uid, pwd) conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_string, unicode_results=True, collation='Chinese_PRC_CI_AS')
read data into dataframe
df =, conn) df.head()
rename columns names
df.columns = [u'name1', u'name2', u'name3', u'name4', u'name5', u'name6', u'name7', u'name8', u'name9', u'name0']
print column name
for name in df.columns.values.tolist(): print name
play with data
show top five lines
filter data
unit_001001 = df[df[u'name1']=='001001'] unit_001001.head()
select data (all rows and column 3, 7, 8)
unit_001001 = unit_001001.ix[:, [3, 7, 8]] unit_001001.head()
sort and index column
unit_001001 = unit_001001.sort([u'name3', u'name7'], ascending=[1, 1]) unit_001001 = unit_001001.set_index(u'name3') unit_001001.head()
plottingunit_001001 = unit_001001.sort(u'name7', ascending=True) unit_001001.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 5), fontsize=12);
plottingunit_001001.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(5, 15), fontsize=12);
other plotting
area => area plot bar => vertical bar plot barh => horizontal bar plot box => boxplot density => same as kde hexbin => hexbin plot hist => histogram kde => Kernel Density Estimation plot line => line plot <= default pie => pie plot scatter => scatter plot