29 July 2015

linux ntp server client

  1. config ntp server

    1. install ntp server

       $ yum install ntp
    2. setup restrict values

       $ nano /etc/ntp.conf
       restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
       restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
       # `noquery`  prevents dumping status data from `ntpd`
       # `notrap`   prevents control message trap service
       # `nomodify` prevents all ntpq queries that attempts to modify the server
       # `nopeer`   prevents all package that attempts to establish a peer association
       # `kod`      kiss-o-death packet is to be sent to reduce unwanted queries
    3. allow only specific clients

       $ nano /etc/ntp.conf
       restrict mask nomodify notrap
       restrict mask nomodify notrap
       restrict mask nomodify notrap
       restrict mask nomodify notrap
       restrict mask nomodify notrap
    4. add local clock as backup

       $ nano /etc/ntp.conf
       # local clock
       fudge stratum 10
    5. setup ntp log

       $ nano /etc/ntp.conf
       logfile /var/log/ntp.log
    6. start ntp server

       $ service ntpd start
  2. config ntp client

    1. add entry for your own ntp server

       $ nano /etc/ntp.conf
       server node5 prefer
    2. start ntp daemon

       $ /etc/init.d/ntpd start
    3. check ntp status

       $ ntpq -p
            remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
       *node5           .LOCL.           1 u   12   16  377    0.072    0.098   0.009
    4. set local date and time

       $ ntpdate -u node5
       # after this initial sync
       # ntp client will talk to the ntp server
       # on an on-going basis
       # to make sure the local time refects the accurate time
    5. get the current status of ntpd

       $ ntpdc -c sysinfo
    6. to obtain a brief status report from ntpd

       $ ntpstat
       synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 2 
          time correct to within 13 ms
          polling server every 16 s

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