26 July 2015


  1. wordcount example

    1. wc.scala

       $ pico wc.scala
       val text = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hqlgree2/linkage/block_1.csv")
       val counts = text.flatMap(line => line.split(",")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
    2. firing up shell using the -i flag

       $ spark-shell -i wc.scala
  2. spark how to run spark file from spark shell

    1. use :load

       scala> :load wc.scala
    2. use -i flag

       $ spark-shell -i wc.scala
  3. how to package a scala project to a jar with sbt

         # 1. a jar of just the project classes
         $ sbt package
         # target/scala-2.x.y/projectname_2.x.y-z.jar
         # 2. continuously building the package
         $ sbt ~package
         # 3. standalone executable jar with dependencies
         $ sbt assembly
         $ java -jar projectname_2.x.y-z.jar [class.with.main.function]

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