11 October 2015

solution 1

  1. install java sdk

  2. download the latest binary release mondrian-version.zip

  3. for non-embedded distribution setup foodmart dataset

    1. create foodmart database and foodmart user

       $ mysql -u root -p
       mysql> create user 'foodmart'@'localhost' identified by 'foodmart';
       mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'foodmart'@'localhost' identified by 'foodmart';
       mysql> quit;
    2. load the data

       $ java -cp "/mondrian/lib/mondrian.jar:/mondrian/lib/log4j.jar:/mondrian/lib/commons-logging.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-xom.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-resgen.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-properties.jar:/usr/local/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar"
       -verbose -tables -data -indexes
  4. setup and start web app

solution 2

  1. steps

    1. clone git repo

       $ git clone https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian.git
    2. create a file at the root of the project

       $ cd mondrian
       $ pico mondrian.properties
    3. compile it

       $ ant jar
       # if you run into issues about JAVA_HOME
       # pop open `buildOnJdk.sh`
       # look for a section add your own paths
    4. load the demo database

       $ ant load-foodmart
    5. make your changes and run some tests

       $ ant junit-main
  2. references

    1. git workflow

    2. dev guide

    3. for easy deployment use mondrian-xmla-spike from Thought Works

       # it will fire up a mondrian xmla service
       # which you can access with all xmla compliant tools
       # i suggest using warehouse explorer

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