25 July 2015

ch02 introduction to data analysis with scala and spark

  1. prepare data

    1. pull data from repo

       $ mkdir linkage
       $ cd linkage
       $ curl -o donation.zip http://bit.ly/1Aoywaq
       $ unzip donation.zip
       Archive:  donation.zip
        extracting: block_10.zip            
        extracting: block_1.zip             
        extracting: block_2.zip             
        extracting: block_3.zip             
        extracting: block_4.zip             
        extracting: block_5.zip             
        extracting: block_6.zip             
        extracting: block_7.zip             
        extracting: block_8.zip             
        extracting: block_9.zip             
         inflating: documentation           
         inflating: frequencies.csv  
       $ ls
       $ unzip 'block_*.zip'
    2. put to hdfs

       $ hdfs dfs -mkdir linkage
       $ hdfs dfs -put block_*.csv linkage
  2. spark shell and SparkContext

    1. launch spark jobs on cluster

       $ spark-shell --master yarn-client
    2. launch a local spark cluster

       # match the numbers of cores available on your machine
       $ spark-shell --master local[*]
       # `n` the number of threads to run
       $ spark-shell --master local[n]
       > sc
       res0: org.apache.spark.SparkContext = org.apache.spark.SparkContext@4a833595
       > sc.[\t]
       accumulable                accumulableCollection      accumulator                addFile                    
       addJar                     addSparkListener           appName                    applicationId              
       asInstanceOf               binaryFiles                binaryRecords              broadcast                  
       cancelAllJobs              cancelJobGroup             clearCallSite              clearFiles                 
       clearJars                  clearJobGroup              defaultMinPartitions       defaultMinSplits           
       defaultParallelism         emptyRDD                   files                      getAllPools                
       getCheckpointDir           getConf                    getExecutorMemoryStatus    getExecutorStorageStatus   
       getLocalProperty           getPersistentRDDs          getPoolForName             getRDDStorageInfo          
       getSchedulingMode          hadoopConfiguration        hadoopFile                 hadoopRDD                  
       initLocalProperties        isInstanceOf               isLocal                    jars                       
       killExecutor               killExecutors              makeRDD                    master                     
       metricsSystem              newAPIHadoopFile           newAPIHadoopRDD            objectFile                 
       parallelize                requestExecutors           runApproximateJob          runJob                     
       sequenceFile               setCallSite                setCheckpointDir           setJobDescription          
       setJobGroup                setLocalProperty           sparkUser                  startTime                  
       statusTracker              stop                       submitJob                  tachyonFolderName          
       textFile                   toString                   union                      version                    
    3. bringing data from cluster to client

       > val rawblocks = sc.textFile("linkage")
       > rawblocks.first
       > val head = rawblocks.take(10)
       > head.length
       > head.foreach(println)
       > def isHeader(line: String) = line.contains("id_1")
       > head.filter(isHeader).foreach(println)
       > head.filterNot(isHeader).length
       > head.filter(x => !isHeader(x)).length
       > head.filter(!isHeader(_)).length
    4. shipping code from client to cluster

       > val noheader = rawblocks.filter(x => !isHeader(x))
       > noheader.first
    5. structuring data with tuples

       > val line = head(5)
       > val pieces = line.split(',')
       > val id1 = pieces(0).toInt
       > val id2 = pieces(1).toInt
       > matched = pieces(11).toBoolean
       > val rawscores = pieces.slice(2, 11)
       > rawscores.map(s => s.toDouble)
       > def toDouble(s: String) = {
            | if ("?".equals(s)) Double.NaN else s.toDouble
            | }
       > val scores = rawscores.map(toDouble)
       > def parse(line: String) = {
            |   val pieces = line.split(',')
            |   val id1 = pieces(0).toInt
            |   val id2 = pieces(1).toInt
            |   val scores = pieces.slice(2, 11).map(toDouble)
            |   val matched = pieces(11).toBoolean
            |   (id1, id2, scores, matched)
            | }
       > val tup = parse(line)
       > tup._1
       > tup.productElement(0)
       > tup.productArity
       > case class MatchData(id1: Int, id2: Int, scores: Array[Double], matched: Boolean)
       > def parse(line: String) = {
            |   val pieces = line.split(',')
            |   val id1 = pieces(0).toInt
            |   val id2 = pieces(1).toInt
            |   val scores = pieces.slice(2, 11).map(toDouble)
            |   val matched = pieces(11).toBoolean
            |   MatchData(id1, id2, scores, matched)
            | }
       > val md = parse(line)
       > md.matched
       > md.id1
       > val mds = head.filter(!isHeader(_)).map(parse())
       > val parsed = noheader.map(parse)
       > parsed.cache()
    6. aggregations

       > val grouped = mds.groupBy(md => md.matched)
       > grouped.mapValues(x => x.size).foreach(println)
    7. creating histograms

       > val matchCounts = parsed.map(md => md.matched).countByValue()
       > val matchCountsSeq = matchCounts.toSeq
       > matchCountsSeq.sortBy(_._1).foreach(println)
       > matchCountsSeq.sortBy(_._2).foreach(println)
       > matchCountsSeq.sortBy(_._2).reverse.foreach(println)

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