09 June 2015


  1. http://lucene.apache.org/solr/

    1. solr is highly reliable

    2. scalable and fault tolerant

    3. providing distributed indexing

    4. replication and load-balanced querying

    5. automated failover and recovery

    6. centralized configuration and more


  1. manual

    1. download

    2. unzip and run

       $ tar zxf solr-5.2.0.tgz
    3. then run

  2. use homebrew

         $ brew install solr
         ==> Downloading https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=lucene/solr/5.1.0/solr-5.1.0.tgz
         ==> Best Mirror http://apache.fayea.com/lucene/solr/5.1.0/solr-5.1.0.tgz
         ######################################################################## 100.0%
         ==> Caveats
         To have launchd start solr at login:
             ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/solr/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
         Then to load solr now:
             launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.solr.plist
         Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:
             solr start
         ==> Summary
         🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/solr/5.1.0: 4647 files, 199M, built in 18.4 minutes
  3. use shell

         $ pico solr_install.sh
         # install solr
         brew install solr
         # create base solr index directory
         mkdir -p /data/solr
         # make sure write to solr logs
         sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local/Cellar/solr/
         # running
         solr /full/path/to/multicore

running solr

  1. command options and admin console

    1. start the server

       # linux or unix
       $ solr start
       Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8983 [-]  
       Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=22992). Happy searching!
       $ solr start
       Solr home directory /usr/local/solr/libexec must contain a solr.xml file!
       $ pwd
       $ ls
       README.txt configsets demo       solr.xml   zoo.cfg
       $ cp solr.xml ../../libexec/
       $ solr start
       Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8983 [-]  
       Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=24935). Happy searching!
       # windows
       > solr.cmd start
       # start solr in the foreground
       $ solr start -f
       # on windows
       > solr.cmd start -f
    2. script options

       $ solr -help
       $ solr start -help
    3. check if solr is running

       $ solr status
       Found 1 Solr nodes: 
       Solr process 22992 running on port 8983
         "version":"5.1.0 1672403 - timpotter - 2015-04-09 10:37:54",
         "uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, 23 seconds",
         "memory":"21.6 MB (%4.4) of 491 MB"}
    4. stop the server

       # in the foreground
       # use `ctrl+c` to stop
       # running in the background
       # specify the port solr is listening on
       $ solr stop -p 8983
       $ solr stop
       Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting 5 seconds to allow Jetty process 22992 to stop gracefully.
       # stop all running solr instances
       $ solr stop -all
    5. start solr with a example configuration

       # solr provides a number of examples
       # launch the example using -e flag
       $ solr -e techproducts
       # available examples
       # techproducts/dih/schemaless/cloud
    6. web browser admin console

  2. create a core

         # if not start with an example configuration
         # need to create a core
         # in order to be able to index and search
         $ solr create -c demo
         Failed to determine the port of a local Solr instance, cannot create demo!
         $ solr create -c demo
         Setup new core instance directory:
         Creating new core 'demo' using command:
         $ solr create -help
  3. add documents

    1. use post script

       $ libexec/bin/post -c demo example/exampledocs/*.xml
       /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/solr/libexec/dist/solr-core-5.1.0.jar -Dauto=yes -Dc=demo -Ddata=files org.apache.solr.util.SimplePostTool example/exampledocs/gb18030-example.xml example/exampledocs/hd.xml example/exampledocs/ipod_other.xml example/exampledocs/ipod_video.xml example/exampledocs/manufacturers.xml example/exampledocs/mem.xml example/exampledocs/money.xml example/exampledocs/monitor.xml example/exampledocs/monitor2.xml example/exampledocs/mp500.xml example/exampledocs/sd500.xml example/exampledocs/solr.xml example/exampledocs/utf8-example.xml example/exampledocs/vidcard.xml
       SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
       Posting files to [base] url http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update...
       Entering auto mode. File endings considered are xml,json,csv,pdf,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,odt,odp,ods,ott,otp,ots,rtf,htm,html,txt,log
       POSTing file gb18030-example.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file hd.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file ipod_other.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file ipod_video.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file manufacturers.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file mem.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file money.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file monitor.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file monitor2.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file mp500.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file sd500.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file solr.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file utf8-example.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       POSTing file vidcard.xml (application/xml) to [base]
       14 files indexed.
       COMMITting Solr index changes to http://localhost:8983/solr/demo/update...
       Time spent: 0:00:00.384

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