15 February 2016


  1. simple_stream

    1. original

       import time
       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.plotting import cursession, figure, show, output_server
       from bokeh.models import GlyphRenderer
       x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 200)
       y = np.sin(x)
       p = figure(title="Simple streaming example")
       p.line(x, y, color="#2222aa", line_width=2)
       ds = p.select({"type": GlyphRenderer})[0].data_source
       while True:
           oldx = ds.data["x"]
           newx = np.hstack([oldx, [oldx[-1] + 4*np.pi/200]])
           ds.data["x"] = newx
           ds.data["y"] = np.sin(newx)
    2. convert to bokeh 0.11

       #! conding utf-8
       import time
       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.io import curdoc
       from bokeh.client import push_session
       from bokeh.models import GlyphRenderer
       from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
       x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 200)
       y = np.sin(x)
       p = figure(title="Simple streaming example")
       p.line(x, y, color="#2222aa", line_width=2)
       ds = p.select({"type": GlyphRenderer})[0].data_source
       def update():
           oldx = ds.data["x"]
           newx = np.hstack([oldx, [oldx[-1] + 4*np.pi/200]])
           ds.data["x"] = newx
           ds.data["y"] = np.sin(newx)
       # run every 5 milliseconds
       curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 5)
       session = push_session(curdoc(), 'simple-stream')
       # open the doc in browser
       # run forever

class GlyphRenderer(**kwargs)

  1. base bokeh.models.renderers.DataRenderer

  2. attr

    1. data_source local data source to use when rendering glyph on the plot

    2. glyph the glyph to render, in conjunction with supplied data source and ranges

    3. hover_glyph an optional glyph ofr inspected points

           e.g. those that are being hoverd over by a HoverTool
    4. level specifies the level in which to render the glyph

    5. nonselection_glyph an optional glyph used for explicitly non-selected points

    6. selection_glyph an optional glyph used for selected points

    7. x_range_name a particular(named) x-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering glyph on the plot

       if unset use the default x-range
    8. y_range_name see x_range_name

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