14 February 2016


  1. linked_tap_server

    1. original

       from __future__ import print_function
       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, Plot, Circle, VBox, HBox, Button, TapTool
       from bokeh.document import Document
       from bokeh.session import Session
       from bokeh.browserlib import view
       document = Document()
       session = Session()
       N = 9
       x = np.linspace(-2, 2, N)
       y = x**2
       source1 = ColumnDataSource(dict(x = x, y = y, size = [20]*N))
       xdr1 = DataRange1d()
       ydr1 = DataRange1d()
       plot1 = Plot(title="Plot1", x_range=xdr1, y_range=ydr1, plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
       plot1.add_glyph(source1, Circle(x="x", y="y", size="size", fill_color="red"))
       source2 = ColumnDataSource(dict(x = x, y = y, color = ["blue"]*N))
       xdr2 = DataRange1d()
       ydr2 = DataRange1d()
       plot2 = Plot(title="Plot2", x_range=xdr2, y_range=ydr2, plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
       plot2.add_glyph(source2, Circle(x="x", y="y", size=20, fill_color="color"))
       def on_selection_change1(obj, attr, _, inds):
           color = ["blue"]*N
           if inds['1d']['indices']:
               [index] = inds['1d']['indices']
               color[index] = "red"
           source2.data["color"] = color
       source1.on_change('selected', on_selection_change1)
       def on_selection_change2(obj, attr, _, inds):
           inds = inds['1d']['indices']
           if inds:
               [index] = inds
               size = [10]*N
               size[index] = 40
               size = [20]*N
           source1.data["size"] = size
       source2.on_change('selected', on_selection_change2)
       reset = Button(label="Reset")
       def on_reset_click():
           source1.selected = {
               '0d': {'flag': False, 'indices': []},
               '1d': {'indices': []},
               '2d': {'indices': []}
           source2.selected = {
               '0d': {'flag': False, 'indices': []},
               '1d': {'indices': []},
               '2d': {'indices': []}
           session.store_objects(source1, source2)
       vbox = VBox(children=[reset], width=150)
       hbox = HBox(children=[vbox, plot1, plot2])
       if __name__ == "__main__":
           link = session.object_link(document.context)
           print("Please visit %s to see the plots" % link)
           print("\npress ctrl-C to exit")
    2. convert to bokeh 0.11

       import numpy as np
       from bokeh.io import curdoc
       from bokeh.client import push_session
       from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, Plot, Circle, VBox, HBox, Button, TapTool
       document = curdoc()
       session = push_session(document)
       N = 9
       x = np.linspace(-2, 2, N)
       y = x**2
       source1 = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, y=y, size=[20]*N))
       xdr1 = DataRange1d()
       ydr1 = DataRange1d()
       plot1 = Plot(title="Plot1", x_range=xdr1, y_range=ydr1, plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
       plot1.add_glyph(source1, Circle(x="x", y="y", size="size", fill_color="red"))
       source2 = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, y=y, color=["blue"]*N))
       xdr2 = DataRange1d()
       ydr2 = DataRange1d()
       plot2 = Plot(title="Plot2", x_range=xdr2, y_range=ydr2, plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
       plot2.add_glyph(source2, Circle(x="x", y="y", size=20, fill_color="color"))
       def on_selection_change1(obj, attr, inds):
           color = ["blue"]*N
           if inds['1d']['indices']:
               [index] = inds['1d']['indices']
               color[index] = "red"
           source2.data["color"] = color
       source1.on_change('selected', on_selection_change1)
       def on_selection_change2(obj, attr, inds):
           inds = inds['1d']['indices']
           if inds:
               [index] = inds
               size = [10]*N
               size[index] = 40
               size = [20]*N
           source1.data["size"] = size
       source2.on_change('selected', on_selection_change2)
       reset = Button(label="Reset")
       def on_reset_click():
           source1.selected = {
               '0d': {'flag': False, 'indices': []},
               '1d': {'indices': []},
               '2d': {'indices': []}
           source2.selected = {
               '0d': {'flag': False, 'indices': []},
               '1d': {'indices': []},
               '2d': {'indices': []}
       vbox = VBox(children=[reset])
       hbox = HBox(children=[vbox, plot1, plot2])
       if __name__ == "__main__":
           # open the doc in browser
           # run forever


  1. bokeh.document.Document.add_root

  2. description

    1. add a model as a root model to this document

    2. any change to this model (including to other models referred to by it) will trigger on_change callbacks registered on this document

class DataRange1d(*args, **kwargs)

  1. base bokeh.models.ranges.DataRange

  2. description

    1. an auto-fitting range in a continuous scalar dimension

    2. the upper and the lower bounds are set to the min and the max of the data

class Plot(**kwargs)

  1. base bokeh.models.component.Component

  2. description

    1. model representing a plot, containing glyphs, guides, annotations
  3. methods

    1. add_glyph(source_or_glyph, glyph=None, **kw)

       add a glyph to the plot with associated data sources and ranges
       parameters: source (DataSource) a data source for the glyphs to use
                   glyph (Glyph) the glyph to add to the plot
       keyword arguments: any additional keyword arguments are passed on as-is to the Glyph initializer
  4. attr

    1. tools

       a list of tools to add to the plot

class ColumnDataSource(*args, **kw)

  1. base bokeh.models.sources.DataSource

  2. description

    1. maps names of columns to sequences or arrays

       ColumnDataSource(mydict) # same as ColumnDataSource(data=mydict)
       ColumnDataSource(df)     # same as ColumnDataSource(data=df)
  3. attr

    1. selected

       a dict to indicate selected indices on different dimensions on this DataSource
       keys are:
       0d: indicates whether a line or patch glyphs have been hit
           value is a dict with the following keys
           flag (boolean): true if glyph was with false otherwise
           indices (list): indices hit (if applicable)
       1d: indicates whether any of all other glyph (except line multiline or patches) was hit
           value is a dict with the following keys
           indices (list): indices that were hit/selected
       2d: indicates whether a line multiline or patches were hit
           value is a dict with the following keys
           indices (list): indices of the line/patches that were hit/selected

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