29 January 2016


  1. provide

    1. publishing bokeh plots for wider audiences

    2. streaming data to automatically updating plots

    3. interactively visualizing very large datasets

    4. building dashboards and apps with sophisticated interactions

  2. built on top of flask


  1. core architecture of bokeh-server

    1. Document

    2. User


  1. if bokeh was installed by setup.py or conda

         $ bokeh-server
  2. development mode

         $ python ./bokeh-server

storing plots on the server

  1. demo

         from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_server, show
         p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
         # add a line renderer
         p.line([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5], line_width=2)
  2. publishing to the server

    1. running in multi user mode

       # make some plots

streaming data with the server

  1. steps

    1. write code demo.py

       import time
       from random import shuffle
       from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_server, cursession, show
       # prepare output to server
       p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
       p.line([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5], name='ex_line')
       # create some simple animation..
       # first get our figure example data source
       renderer = p.select(dict(name='ex_line'))
       ds = renderer[0].data_source
       while True:
           # update y data of the source object
           # store the updated source on the server
    2. start bokeh-server

       $ bokeh-server
       Bokeh Server Configuration
       python version : 2.7.11
       bokeh version  : 0.10.0
       listening      :
       backend        : memory
       python options : debug:OFF, verbose:OFF, filter-logs:OFF, multi-user:OFF
       js options     : debugjs:OFF
    3. run demo.py

       $ python demo.py
       Using saved session configuration for http://localhost:5006/
       To override, pass 'load_from_config=False' to Session
    4. from bokeh-server side you will see

       2016-01-30 18:13:27,521:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/userinfo/ ( 1.52ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,547:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/doc/ ( 2.18ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,550:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/getdocapikey/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960 ( 1.12ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,570:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/gc ( 17.87ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,574:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/ ( 1.37ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,630:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 26.75ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,739:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 18.40ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:27,991:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/doc/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/c4c6deb9-2c17-4370-93bf-9e1a8a81e9f9 ( 17.51ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:28,263:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 15.45ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:28,441:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/wsurl/ ( 0.97ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:28,489:INFO:tornado.access:200 GET /bokeh/objinfo/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/c4c6deb9-2c17-4370-93bf-9e1a8a81e9f9 ( 18.74ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:28,784:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 14.50ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:29,304:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 14.42ms
       2016-01-30 18:13:29,826:INFO:tornado.access:200 POST /bokeh/bb/797be60d-03f7-4558-a60f-6b6b904d5960/bulkupsert ( 14.21ms


  1. but if your bokeh’s version is higher than 0.10.0

    1. you can’t run bokeh-server

       $ bokeh-server
       The 'bokeh-server' command from versions 0.10 and earlier no longer exists.
       Please see the documentation for the new 'bokeh' command here:
    2. you can’t import cursession from bokeh.plotting

       # so you must downgrade your bokeh
       $ conda install bokeh=0.10.0
  2. you can run bokeh with bokeh’s version higher than 0.10.0

    1. bokeh -h

       $ bokeh -h
       usage: /Users/hqlgree2/anaconda/bin/bokeh [-h] [-v]
                                                 {html,json,secret,serve} ...
       positional arguments:
           html                Create standalone HTML files for one or more
           json                Create JSON files for one or more applications
           secret              Create a Bokeh secret key for use with Bokeh server
           serve               Run a Bokeh server hosting one or more applications
       optional arguments:
         -h, --help            show this help message and exit
         -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
    2. bokeh serve

       $ bokeh serve
       DEBUG:bokeh.server.tornado:Allowed Host headers: ['localhost:5006']
       DEBUG:bokeh.server.tornado:These host origins can connect to the websocket: ['localhost:5006']
       DEBUG:bokeh.server.tornado:Patterns are: [('/?', <class 'bokeh.server.views.doc_handler.DocHandler'>, {'application_context': <bokeh.server.application_context.ApplicationContext object at 0x106a2f250>, 'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}), ('/ws', <class 'bokeh.server.views.ws.WSHandler'>, {'application_context': <bokeh.server.application_context.ApplicationContext object at 0x106a2f250>, 'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}), ('/autoload.js', <class 'bokeh.server.views.autoload_js_handler.AutoloadJsHandler'>, {'application_context': <bokeh.server.application_context.ApplicationContext object at 0x106a2f250>, 'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}), ('/static/(.*)', <class 'bokeh.server.views.static_handler.StaticHandler'>)]
       INFO:bokeh.command.subcommands.serve:Starting Bokeh server on port 5006 with applications at paths ['/']
       DEBUG:bokeh.server.tornado:[pid 17900] 0 clients connected

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