08 April 2016


  1. algorithm

    1. use mapper function

       turn each item into zero or more `key-value` pairs
    2. collect together all the pairs with identical keys

    3. use reducer function

       on each collection of grouped values
       to produce output values for the corresponding key
  2. e.g. word count

    1. old fashion

       def word_count_old(documents):
           """word count not using mapreduce"""
           return Counter(word
                          for document in documents
                          for word in tokenize(document))
    2. mapper

       def wc_mapper(document):
           """for each word in the document, emit (word, 1)"""
           for word in tokenize(document):
               yield (word, 1)
    3. reducer

       def wc_reducer(word, counts):
           """sum up the counts for a word"""
           yield (word, sum(counts))
    4. collect the result from wc_mapper and feed them to wc_reducer

       def word_count(documents):
           """count the words in the input documents using mapreduce"""
           # place to store grouped values
           collector = defaultdict(list)
           for document in documents:
               for word, count in wc_mapper(document):
           return [output
                   for word, counts in collector.iteritems()
                   for output in wc_reducer(word, counts)]
    5. test

       # 1. three documents
       ['data science', 'big data', 'science fiction']
       # 2. apply wc_mapper
           'data': [1, 1],
           'science': [1, 1],
           'big': [1],
           'fiction': [1]
       # 3. apply wc_reducer
           ('data', 2),
           ('science', 2),
           ('big', 1),
           ('fiction', 1),
  3. why mapreduce

    1. moving processing to data

    2. billions of documents are scattered across 100 machines

       # 1. each machine run the mapper on its documents, procuding lots of (key, value) pairs
       # 2. distribute those paris to a number of `reducing` machines
       #    making sure that the pairs corresponding to any given key all end up on the same machine
       # 3. each reducing machine group the pairs by key and then run the reducer on each set of values
       # 4. return each (key, output) pair
  4. mapreduce more generally

    1. general framework

       def map_reduce(inputs, mapper, reducer):
           """runs mapreduce on the inputs using mapper and reducer"""
           collector = defaultdict(list)
           for input in inputs:
               for key, value in mapper(input):
           return [output
                   for key, values in collector.iteritems()
                   for output in reducer(key, values)]
    2. e.g.

       word_counts = map_reduce(documents, wc_mapper, wc_reducer)
    3. aggregation

       def reduce_values_using(aggregation_fn, key, values):
           """reduces a key-values pair by applying aggregation_fn to the values"""
           yield (key, aggregation_fn(values))
       def values_reducer(aggregation_fn):
           """turns a function (values -> output) into a reducer
           that maps (key, values) -> (key, output)"""
           return partial(reduce_values_using, aggregation_fn)
    4. e.g.

       sum_reducer = values_reducer(sum)
       max_reducer = values_reducer(max)
       min_reducer = values_reducer(min)
       count_distinct_reducer = values_reducer(lambda values: len(set(values)))
  5. e.g. analyzing status updates

    1. data

       {"id": 1,
       "username" : "joelgrus",
       "text" : "Is anyone interested in a data science book?",
       "created_at" : datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 21, 11, 47, 0),
       "liked_by" : ["data_guy", "data_gal", "mike"] }
    2. figure out which day of the week

       # people talk the most about data science
       # group by the day of week => key
       def data_science_day_mapper(status_update):
           """yield (day_of_week, 1) if status_update
           contains 'data science'"""
           if "data science" in status_update['text'].lower():
               day_of_week = status_update['created_at'].weekday()
               yield (day_of_week, 1)
       data_science_days = map_reduce(status_updates,
    3. find out each user the most common word

       # 1. put the username in the key;
       #    put the words and counts in the value
       # 2. put the word in the key;
       #    put the usernames and counts in the values
       # 3. put the username and word in the key;
       #    put the coutns in the values
       # the first option is right choice
       def words_per_user_mapper(status_update):
           user = status_update['username']
           for word in tokenize(status_update['text']):
               yield (user, (word, 1))
       def most_popular_word_reducer(user, words_and_counts):
           """given a sequence of (word, count) pairs,
           return the word with the highest total count"""
           word_count = Counter()
           for word, count in words_and_counts:
               word_count[word] += count
           word, count = word_count.most_common(1)[0]
           yield (user, (word, count))
       user_words = map_reduce(status_update,
    4. find out the number of distinct status-likers for each user

       def liker_mapper(status_update):
           user = status_update['username']
           for liker in status_update['liked_by']:
               yield (user, liker)
       distinct_likers_per_user = map_reduce(status_update,
  6. e.g. matrix multiplication

    1. m x n matrix A and n x k matrix B

       # A x B => m x k matrix C
       # element of C in row i and column j is given by
       Cij = Ai1B1j + Ai2B2j + ... + AinBnj
    2. natural way to represent m x n matrix => a list of lists

       # large matrices are sometimes `sparse`
       # list of lists can be a very wasteful representation
       # a more compact representation => list of tuples (name, i, j, value)
    3. code

       def matrix_multiply_mapper(m, element):
           """m is the common dimension (column of A, rows of B)
           element is a tuple (matrix_name, i, j, value)"""
           if name == "A":
               # A_ij is the jth entry
               # in the sum for each C_ik, k=1..m
               for k in range(m):
                   # group with other entries for C_ik
                   yield ((i, k), (j, value))
               # B_ij is the ith entry
               # in the sum for each C_kj
               for k in range(m):
                   # group with other entries for C_kj
                   yield ((k, j), (i, value))
       def matrix_multiply_reducer(m, key, indexed_values):
           results_by_index = defaultdict(list)
           for index, value in indexed_values:
           sum_product = sum(results[0] * results[1]
                             for results in results_by_index.values()
                             if len(results) == 2)
           if sum_product != 0.0
               yield (key, sum_product)
    4. e.g.

       # two matrices
       A = [[3, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 0]]
       B = [[4, -1, 0],
            [10, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0]]
       # rewrite
       entries = [("A", 0, 0, 3), ("A", 0, 1, 2),
       ("B", 0, 0, 4), ("B", 0, 1, -1), ("B", 1, 0, 10)]
       mapper = partial(matrix_multiply_mapper, 3)
       reducer = partial(matrix_multiply_reducer, 3)
       map_reduce(entries, mapper, reducer) # [((0, 1), -3), ((0, 0), 32)]
  7. an aside combiners

         500 instances of ('data', 1)
         => 1 instance of ('data', 500)


  1. partial

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