24 March 2016

a real dumb spam filter

        # S => the message is spam
        # V => the message contains the word `viagra`

        # the message is spam conditional on containing the word `viagra` is
        # => P(S|V) = [P(V|S)P(S)]/[P(V|S)P(S)+P(V|¬S)P(¬S)]

        # if have large collection of messages are spam
        # if have large collection of messages are not spam
        # => easily estimate P(V|S) and P(V|¬S)

        # assume that any message is equally likely
        # to be spam or not-spam
        # => P(S) = P(¬S) = 0.5

        # then
        # => P(S|V) = P(V|S)/[P(V|S)+P(V|¬S)]

        # if 50% of spam messages have the word `viagra`
        # but only 1% of nonspam messages do
        # then any given viagra-containing email is spam is
        # => 0.5/(0.5+0.01) = 98%

a more sophisticated spam filter

        # vocabulary of many words w1,...,wn
        # Xi       => a message contains the word wi
        # P(Xi|S)  => a spam message contains the ith word
        # P(Xi|¬S) => nonspam message contains the ith word

        # => P(X1=x1,...,Xn=xn|S)=P(X1=x1|S)x...xP(Xn=xn|S)

        # a spam message contains both `viagra` and `rolex`
        # => P(X1=1,X2=1|S) = P(X1=1|S)P(X2=1|S) = .5x.5 = .25

        # assumed away `viagra` and `lolex` actually never occur together

        # `viagra-only` spam filter
        # => P(S|X=x) = P(X=x|S)/[P(X=x|S)+P(X=x)|¬S]

        # algebra log(ab) = log(a) + log(b)
        #         exp(log(x)) = x
        # => p1 * ... * pn = exp(log(p1)+...+log(pn))


  1. build classifier

    1. tokenize messages

       def tokenize(message):
           message = message.lower()
           all_words = re.findall("[a-z0-9']+", message)
           return set(all_words)
    2. count the words in a labeled training set of messages

       def count_words(training_set):
           """training set consists of pairs (messages, is_spam)"""
           counts = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
           for message, is_spam in training_set:
               for word in tokenize(message):
                   counts[word][0 if is_spam else 1] += 1
           return counts
    3. turn these counts into estimated probabilities

       def word_probabilities(counts, total_spams, total_non_spams, k=0.5):
           """turn the word_counts into a list of triplets
           w, p(w / spam) and p(w / ~spam)"""
           return [(w,
                    (spam + k) / (total_spams + 2 * k),
                    (non_spam + k) / (total_non_spams + 2 * k))
                   for w, (spam, non_spam) in counts.iteritems()]
    4. use these word probabilities (and naive bayes assumptions)

       # to assign probabilities to messages
       def spam_probability(word_probs, message):
           message_words = tokenize(message)
           log_prob_if_spam = log_prob_if_not_spam = 0.0
           # iterate through each word in our vacabulary
           for word, prob_if_spam, prob_if_not_spam in word_probs:
               # if *word* appears in the message,
               # add the log probability of seeing it
               if word in message_words:
                   log_prob_if_spam += math.log(prob_if_spam)
                   log_prob_if_not_spam += math.log(prob_if_not_spam)
               # if *word* doesn't appear in the message
               # add the log probability of _not_ seeing it
               # which is log(1 - probability of seeing it)
                   log_prob_if_spam += math.log(1.0 - prob_if_spam)
                   log_prob_if_not_spam += math.log(1.0 - prob_if_not_spam)
           prob_if_spam = math.exp(log_prob_if_spam)
           prob_if_not_spam = math.exp(log_prob_if_not_spam)
           return prob_if_spam / (prob_if_spam + prob_if_not_spam)
    5. put all together into naive bayes classifier

           class NaiveBayesClassifier:
               def __init__(self, k=0.5):
                   self.k = k
                   self.word_probs = []
               def train(self, training_set):
                   # count spam and non-spam messages
                   num_spams = len([is_spam
                                    for message, is_spam in training_set
                                    if is_spam])
                   num_non_spams = len(training_set) - num_spams
                   word_counts = count_words(training_set)
                   self.word_probs = word_probabilities(word_counts, num_spams, num_non_spams, self.k)
               def classifier(self, message):
                   return spam_probability(self.word_counts, message)
  2. testing our model

    1. test data spamassassin public corpus

    2. get subject lines of each email

       import glob, re
       path = r"C:\spam\*\*"
       data = []
       for fn in glob.glob(path):
           is_spam = 'ham' not in fn
           with open('fn', 'r') as file:
               for line in file:
                   if line.startswith('Subject:'):
                       # remove leading 'Subject: ' and keep what's left
                       subject = re.sub(r"^Subject: ", "", line).strip()
                       data.append((subject, is_spam))
    3. split into training data and test data

       train_data, test_data = split_data(data, 0.75)
       classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier()
    4. check how our model does

       # triplets (subject, actual is_spam, predicted spam_probability)
       classified = [(subject, id_spam, classifier.classify(subject))
                     for subject, is_spam in test_data]
       # assume that spam_probability > 0.5 corresponds to spam prediction
       # and count the combinations of (actual is_spam, predicted is_spam)
       counts = Counter((is_spam, spam_probability > 0.5)
                        for _, is_spam, spam_probability in classifier)
       # 101 true positives (spam classified => spam)
       # 33 false positives (ham  classified => spam)
       # 704 true negatives (ham  classified => ham)
       # 38 false negatives (ham  classified => spam)
       # precision => 101 / (101 + 33) = 75%
       # recall    => 101 / (101 + 38) = 73%
       # which are not bad numbers for such a simple model
       # sort by spam_probability from smallest to largest
       classified.sort(key=lambda row: row[2])
       # the highest predicted spam probabilities among the non-spams
       spammiest_hams = filter(lambda row: not row[1], classified)[-5:]
       # the lowest predicted spam probabilities among the actual spams
       hammiest_spams = filter(lambda row: row[1], classified)[:5]
       # check spammiest words
       def p_spam_given_word(word_prob):
           """uses bayes's therom to compute
           p(spam / message contains word)"""
           # word_prob is one of the triplets
           # produced by word_probabilities
           word, prob_if_spam, prob_if_not_spam = word_prob
           return prob_if_spam / (prob_if_spam / prob_if_not_spam)
       words = sorted(classifier.word_probs,
       spammiest_words = words[-5:]
       hammiest_words = words[:5]
    5. ways to improve this model

       # 1. look at message content, not just subject line, and take care of message headers
       # 2. optional min_count threshhold and ignore tokens don't appear at least that many times
       # 3. tokenizer has no notion of similar words (e.g. cheap cheapest), optional stemmer function
       #    e.g.
       def drop_final_s(word):
           return re.sub("s$", "", word)
       # 4. add extra features like `message contains a number`


  1. porter stemmer

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