18 March 2016

the idea behid gradient descent

  1. function

         def sum_of_squares(v):
             """compute the sum of squared elements in v"""
             return sum(v_i ** 2 for v_i in v)
  2. estimating the gradient

    1. f a function of one variable

       # if `f` if a function of one variable
       # its derivative at a point x measures
       # how f(x) changes when make a very small change to x
       # it is defined as the limit of the difference quotients
       def difference_quotient(f, x, h):
           return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
       # as `h` approaches zero
    2. calculate derivative

       def square(x):
           return x * x
       # has the derivative
       def derivative(x):
           return 2 * x
       derivative_estimate = partial(difference_quotient, square, h=0.00001)
       # plot to show they're basically the same
       import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
       x = range(-10, 10)
       plt.title('actual derivative vs. estimate')
       plt.plot(x, map(derivative, x), 'rx', label='actual')
       plt.plot(x, map(derivative_estimate, x), 'b+', label='estimate')
    3. f function of many variables

       # if `f` is a function of many variables
       # if has multiple `partial derivatives`
       # each indicating how f changes
       # when we make small changes in just one of the input variables
       def partial_difference_quotient(f, v, i, h):
           """compute the ith partial difference quotients of f at v"""
           # add h to just the ith element of v
           w = [v_j + (h if j ==i else 0)
                for j, v_j in enumerate(v)]
           return (f(w) - f(v)) / h
       # after which we can estimate the gradient the same way
       def estimate_gradient(f, v, h=0.00001):
           return [partial_different_quotient(f, v, i, h)
                   for i, _ in enumerate(v)]
  3. using the gradient

         # it's easy to see that
         # the `sum_of_squares` function is smallest
         # when its input `v` is a vector of zeros
         # but imagine we didn't know that
         # let's use gradients to find the minimum
         def step(v, direction, step_size):
             """move step_size in the direction from v"""
             return [v_i + step_size * direction_i
                     for v_i, direction_i in zip(v, direction)]
         def sum_of_squares_gradient(v):
             return [2 * v_i for v_i in v]
         # picl a random starting point
         v = [random.randint(-10, 10) for i in range(3)]
         tolerance = 0.0000001
         while True:


  1. partial

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