01 May 2015


  • website

  • open source, bsd-licensed library

  • high-performace

  • easy to use data structures and data analysis tools

get pandas

  1. dependencies

    1. numpy 1.7.0 or higher

    2. python-dateutil 1.5 or higher

    3. pytz for time zone support

  2. recommended dependencies

    1. numexpr for accelerating certain numerical operations

    2. bottlenect for accelerating certain types of nan evaluations

           uses specialized cython routines to achieve large speedups
  3. optional dependencies

    1. cython only necessary to build development version 0.19.1 or higher

    2. scipy miscellaneous statistical functions

    3. pytables necessary for hdf5-based storage 3.0.0 or higher

    4. sqlaichemy for sql database support 0.8.1 or higher

    5. matplotlib for plotting

    6. statsmodels needed for parts of pandas.stats

    7. openpyxl, xlrd/slwt 1.6.1 < openpyxml < 2.0.0 needed for excel i/o

    8. xlsxwriter alternative excel writer

    9. boto necessary for amazon s3 access

    10. one of pyqt4, pyside, pygtk, xsel, or xclip necessary to use read_clipboard()

    11. google’s python-gflags and google-api-python-client needed for gbq

    12. setuptools needed for gbq

    13. httplib2 needed for gbq

    14. one of the following combinations of libraries in needed to use the top-level read_html() function

  4. installation instructions

    1. trying out, no installation required wakari

    2. installing pandas with anaconda

    3. installing pandas with miniconda

    4. installing from pypi

    5. installing using linux package manager

    6. installing from source

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