26 July 2015

1. installing sbt

  1. installing sbt on mac

         $ brew install sbt
  2. installing sbt on ubuntu

         $ sudo echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | \
         sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
         $ sudo apt-get update
         $ sudo apt-get install sbt

2. hello, world

  1. hw.scala

         $ pico hw.scala
         object Hi {
             def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hi!")
  2. build

         $ sbt
         > run
  3. build definition

         $ pico build.dbt
         lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
             name := "hello",
             version = "1.0",
             scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
         # if you plan package your project in a jar
         # you will want to set at least the name and version in a build.sbt

directory structure

  1. hello is base directory

  2. source code

                     <files to include in main jar here>
                     <main scala sources>
                     <main java sources>
                     <files to include in test jar here>
                     <test scala sources>
                     <test java sources>
  3. sbt build definition files

         # you mac see `.sbt` files inside `project/`
         # but they are not equivalent to `.sbt` in `base directory`
  4. build products

         # compiled classes, package jars, managed files, caches, doc
         # will be written to the target directory by default

4. running

  1. interactive mode

         $ sbt
         > compile
         > run
         > exit
         > Ctrl+D (Unix)
         > Ctrl+Z (Windows)
  2. batch mode

         $ sbt clean compile "testOnly TestA TestB"
  3. continuous build and test

         > ~ compile
  4. common commands

         > clean
         > compile
         > test
         > console
         > run <argument>
         > package
         > help
         > reload
  5. tab completion

  6. history commands

         > ! 
         > !!
         > !:
         > !:n
         > !n
         > !-n
         > !string
         > !?string

5. .sbt build definition

  1. three flavors of build definition

    1. multi-project .sbt

    2. bare .sbt

    3. .scala

  2. what is a build definition

         # in `build.sbt` create project definition
         lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  3. how build.sbt defines settings

         lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
             organization := "com.example",
             version := "0.1.0",
             scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
         lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
             settings(commonSettings: _*).
                 name := "hello"
  4. keys

    1. types

    2. build-in keys

       # a `build.sbt` implicitly has an
       import sbt.Keys._
       # so `sbt.Keys.name can be referred to as `name`
    3. custom keys

       # define a key for a new task called `hello`
       lazy val hello = taskKey[Unit]("An example task")
    4. task vs setting keys

       # a TaskKey[T] is said to define a `task`
       # tasks are operations such as `compile` or `package`
       # they may return `Unit` (Unit is scala for void)
       # `package` is a `TaskKey[File]`
       # and its value is the `jar` file it creates
  5. defining tasks and settings

    1. use := you can assign a value to a setting and a computation to a task

    2. types for tasks and settings

  6. keys in sbt interactive mode

  7. imports in build.sbt

         import sbt._
         import Process._
         import Kyes._
  8. adding library dependencies

         val derby = "org.apache.derby" % "derbt" % ""
         lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
             organization := "com.example",
             version := "0.1.0",
             scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
         lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
             settings(commonSettings: _*).
                 name := "hello",
                 libraryDependencies += derby

6. scopes

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