04 March 2015


In about 2012 I create my github page.

Today I delete that repo and recreate it.

Pay a visit to this site to have a quick start.

steps on mac

  1. create repo on github

    1. create a new repo named gree2.github.io

    2. where gree2 is my github username

  2. install Jekyll-Bootstrap

         $ git clone https://github.com/plusjade/jekyll-bootstrap.git gree2.github.com
         $ cd gree2.github.com
         $ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/gree2/gree2.github.com.git
         $ git push origin master
  3. create a post

    1. use rake

       $ cd gree2.github.com.git
       $ rake post title="recreate my github page"
    2. do some edit

    3. serve it

       $ jekyll serve
    4. browser it

    5. commit and push

       $ git add .
       $ git commit -m "recreate my github page"
       $ git push origin master
  4. visit my site http://gree2.github.io

setup jekyll on windows

  1. reference

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