22 June 2015


  1. du estimates and displays the disk space used by files

  2. size format

    1. size is an integer and optional unit

    2. units are K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y


  1. computerhope demo

    1. report the size of each file in current directory with the extension .txt

       $ du -s *.txt
    2. bu in a human-readable size format

       $ du -shc *.txt
  2. cyberciti demo

    1. without any options shows the names and used space for each directories including all sub-directories in the current directory

       $ du
       64      ./.ipynb_checkpoints
       1395520 ./backup
       64      ./infocatalog/ETLService
       25192   ./infocatalog
       1417488 ./input
       364752  ./output
       288     ./sql
       3203424 .
    2. pass -s to see total disk space used by a directory

       $ du -sh
       1.5G    .
       $ du -sh backup/ input/ output/
       681M    backup/
       692M    input/
       178M    output/
    3. pass -c to see a grand total for all of the files

       $ du -csh backup/ input/ output/
       681M    backup/
       692M    input/
       178M    output/
       1.5G    total

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