23 April 2015



		sed '{[/]<n>|<string>|<regex>[/]}d' <fileName> 
		sed '{[/]<adr1>[,<adr2>][/]d' <fileName>

		n = line number
		string = string found in in line
		regex = regular expression corresponding to the searched pattern
		addr = address of a line (number or pattern )
		d = delete


  1. remove 3rd line

         $ sed '3d' filename.txt
  2. remove the line containning awk

         $ sed '/awk/d' filename.txt
  3. remove the last line

         $ sed '$d' filename.txt
  4. remove all empty lines

         $ sed '/^$/d' filename.txt
         $ sed '/./!d' filename.txt
  5. remove the line matching by a regular expresstion

         $ sed '/[0-9/][0-9]*$/d' filename.txt
  6. remove lines between 7 and 9

         $ sed '7,9d' filename.txt
         $ sed '/-start/,/-end/d' filename.txt
  • all above examples are only changed at the display of the file

  • permanent change

          $ sed -i '2d' filename.txt
          # delete 2ed line and save to filename.txt
          $ sed -i".bak" '2d' filename.txt
          # backup filename.txt to filename.txt.bak
          # delete 2ed line and save to filename.txt

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