01 June 2017


  1. download apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin-hbase098.tar.gz

  2. setup

    1. steps

       $ scp  apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin-hbase098.tar.gz root@node2:/root
       $ ssh root@node2
       $ tar zxvf apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin-hbase098.tar.gz
       $ rsync -avP apache-kylin-2.0.0 /usr/lib/apache-kylin-2.0.0
       $ cd /usr/lib/apache-kylin-2.0.0
       $ export KYLIN_HOME=`pwd`
    2. check

       $ sudo -u hdfs bin/check-env.sh
       Retrieving hadoop conf dir...
       KYLIN_HOME is set to /usr/lib/apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin
    3. start

       $ sudo -u hdfs bin/kylin.sh start
       Retrieving hadoop conf dir...
       KYLIN_HOME is set to /usr/lib/apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin
       Retrieving hive dependency...
       Couldn't find hive configuration directory. Please set HIVE_CONF to the path which contains hive-site.xml.
       $ export HIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/hive/conf
       $ sudo -u hdfs bin/kylin.sh start
       Retrieving hadoop conf dir...
       KYLIN_HOME is set to /usr/lib/apache-kylin-2.0.0-bin
       Retrieving hive dependency...
       Couldn't locate hcatalog installation, please make sure it is installed and set HCAT_HOME to the path.


  1. tdh’s inceptor 4.6 does not support kylin


  1. http://kylin.apache.org/cn/docs20/install/manual_install_guide.html

  2. http://kylin.apache.org/cn/docs20/install/index.html

  3. http://kylin.apache.org/cn/docs20/tutorial/create_cube.html

  4. http://kylin.apache.org/cn/docs20/tutorial/web.html

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