13 June 2016


  1. open source

  2. distibuted key value store

  3. using raft algorithm


  1. reading and writing to etcd

    1. logging into the host

       $ cd coreos-vagrant
       $ vagrant up
       $ vagrant ssh
    2. from host machine

       # 1. set get
       $ etcdctl set /message1 book1
       $ etcdctl get /message1
       # 2. set get
       $ curl -L -X PUT -d value="book2"
       $ curl -L
       # 3. delete
       $ etcdctl rm /message1
       $ curl -L -X DELETE
       # 4. key value pair
       $ etcdctl set /foo-dict/foo-key somekey
       $ etcdctl ls  /foo-dict --recursive
       $etcdctl get /foo-dict/foo-key
    3. from application container

       # 1. check docker0's ip
       $ echo "$(ifconfig docker0 | awk '/\<inet\>/ { print $2 }'):2379"
       # 2. run bash shell
       $ docker run -it alpine ash
       # 3. install curl to alpine linux
       $ apk update && apk add curl
       $ curl -L
       # 4. exit
       $ ^+d
  2. watching changes in etcd

    1. create a dir in etcd

       $ etcdctl mkdir /foo-data
    2. watch for changes in this directory

       $ etcdctl watch /foo-data --recursive
    3. open new terminal

       $ cd coreos-vagrant
       $ vagrant ssh
    4. add a new key to /foo-data directory

       $ etcdctl set /foo-data/book is_cool
    5. in first terminal should see a notification

  3. ttl

    1. set a ttl to 30 sec

       $ etcdctl set /foo "i'm expiring in 30 sec" --ttl 30
    2. verify that the key is still there

       $ etcdctl get /foo
       i'm expiring in 30 sec
    3. check again after 30 sec

       $ etcdctl get /foo
       Error: 100: Key not found (/foo) [17053]

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